Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Fifth centenary of the establishment of the Order’s seat in Viterbo

On sale Yes
Face value Complete set € 6,90 ; souvenir sheet € 4,05
Stamp description

In 1524, Grand Master Villiers de l’Isle Adam made a request to Pope Clement VII for the city of Viterbo as a seat for the Knights Hospitallers of St. John, also known as the Johnites. The history of the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, is thousands of years old and glorious. However, the period from its departure from the island of Rhodes on 1 January 1523 to its settlement on the island of Malta on 26 October 1530, represents a crucial moment for this noble institution, which was also determined by the arduous and painful search for a new and dignified geographic location, in order to maintain the character of its sovereignty, also territorially. The Viterbo seat, at the Albornoz Fortress, from 1524 to 1527, fits into this context.

The € 1.25 stamp depicts the Church of Saints Faustino and Giovita, in Viterbo, dating back to the 13th century and completely rebuilt in 1759. It reached its peak in the early 16th century as the Conventual and Magistral Church of the Knights Hospitallers during their stay in Viterbo. Celebrations of the Viterbo-Rieti Delegation of the Order of Malta are still held there.

The € 2.75 stamp depicts the icon of the Virgin and Child, called Madonna of Constantinople, venerated in the Church of Saints Faustino and Giovita in Viterbo. It was donated by the Knights of John to the people of Viterbo when they left the City of the Popes for good in 1527, as a sign of affection and gratitude for the hospitality they had received.

The € 2.90 stamp depicts the Basilica of S. Maria della Quercia in Viterbo. Initially a small church built in 1467 to venerate the votive tile depicting the Madonna della Quercia, it was later enlarged during the 16th century. The Hospitallers were linked to it from its origins and solemn Eucharistic liturgies are still celebrated there with the participation of the Viterbo-Rieti Delegation of the Order of Malta.

On each stamp there are the inscriptions “SOVRANO MILITARE ORDINE DI MALTA” and “POSTE MAGISTRALI”, the legend describing the respective images, the coat of arms of the Order’s activities, the logo specially created for the celebrations of the Fifth Centenary of the Establishment of the Order’s Headquarters in Viterbo and the respective face value, “€ 1.25”, “€ 2.75” and “€ 2.90”.

The sheet reproduces, on its full surface, the graphic adaptation of a period print of the Rocca dell’Albornoz, in Viterbo, taken from the Magistral Library of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Built in the 14th century, the Fortress was destroyed and rebuilt several times over the centuries, changing its original appearance over time. In it, the Knights Hospitallers of St. John established their headquarters during their stay in Viterbo, from 1524 to 1527. The central part, enclosed by the perforation, forming the stamp, encloses a detail of the façade of the Rocca. On the inside are the inscriptions “SOVRANO MILITARE ORDINE DI MALTA” and “POSTE MAGISTRALI”, the coat of arms of the Order’s activities and the face value “€ 4.05”. In the bottom centre of the sheet, there is the inscription “QUINTO CENTENARIO DELLO STABILIMENTO DELLA SEDE DELL’ORDINE IN VITERBO”, the dates “1524” and “2024” and the legend “Rocca dell’Albornoz, Viterbo (stampa d’epoca)”. At the top left is the logo specially created for the celebrations of the Fifth Centenary of the Establishment of the Seat of the Order in Viterbo.

Date of issue 21 May 2024.
Face values € 1,25, € 2,75, € 2,90 (set) and € 4,05 (souvenir sheet).
Size 40 x 52 mm and 52 x 40 mm (set), 136 x 100 mm (souvenir sheet).
Perforation 13 (set and souvenir sheet).
Souvenir sheet size 136 x 100 mm
Print run five thousand stamps for each subject (series) and three thousand numbered souvenir sheets.
Stamp sheet nine stamps.
Printed by Cartor Security Printers, La Loupe, France, in offset