How to buy
Our postal and numismatic products can be purchased by sending us an email or filling out the Contacts form with details of the issues required as well as information on the payment and shipping method of choice.
Our staff will be in contact as soon as possible to provide all additional information to complete the order.
The same form is at disposal to request any further information.
To take out a subscription, please fill in the subscription form or send us an email.
Subject to the availability of the relevant issues, the following products can be ordered:
- stamp sets, new or stamped
- sheets, new or stamped
- blocks of four, sheets and mini-sheets, new or stamped
- postcards (postal stationery)
- first-day covers
- postal cards with special postmarks
- collector’s circular letters (explanatory bulletins illustrating the technical, historical and artistic characteristics of the issues to which they refer)
- Year Pack
- Limited edition mini folder
- complete series (gold, silver and bronze series)
- single series
The payment options for online purchases are as follows:
- Credit card or PayPal
- Bank transfer
Cash payments are only accepted at the post office counter. Never send cash by post.
Payments must be made in Euro only, net of bank fees.
Packaging and shipping costs are charged according to the chosen method (priority mail, registered mail, insured mail or courier).
More details on payment methods and shipping costs can be found on the order forms for each issue (in Italian), which can be found at this link.