Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Postal services

Poste Magistrali is the postal service of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, designated for the collection and dispatch of correspondence originating within the extra-territorial seats of the Order, the Magistral Palace and the Magistral Villa in Rome, as well as the advance posts set up in Italy during philatelic events and exhibitions concerning the Order’s institutional activities.

It is currently possible to send ordinary and priority mail to Italy and abroad from the Poste Magistrali counters, limited to the countries with which the Order of Malta has concluded bilateral postal agreements.
The general conditions of service for the universal postal service are applicable to accepted mail items. In particular, the characteristics of direct mail to foreign countries are in accordance with Post Office Regulations and every act of the Universal Postal Union, to which Italy belongs. Pursuant to the Postal Agreement signed with the Government of the Italian Republic on 18 December 2014, which became effective on 26 March 2015, the same rates and the same general conditions of service provided by the Italian postal operator apply to items accepted by Poste Magistrali, the references for which are as follows:

Items accepted by Poste Magistrali are stamped exclusively with the Sovereign Order of Malta’s currently valid postal stamps, that is all those denominated in euros. Stamps and postal stationery denominated in the Order’s historical coins (scudi, tari and grani) lost their postal validity on 31 December 2004 and are therefore no longer valid.

Poste Magistrali in the Magistral Palace in Rome, with entrance from Via delle Carrozze 79, is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and on Wednesdays and Thursdays also from 2 pm to 4 pm.