Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Marian Iconography (2020)

Iconografia Mariana

On sale Yes
Face value Stamp 2,40 €
Stamp description

the depiction of the Virgin Mary is an iconographic tradition in sacred art whose first representations date back to the 3rd century and which has inspired artists of all times.

The philatelic issue presents the venerated effigy of Maria SS Liberatrice, kept in the church of the SS Trinità, Viterbo. Patron saint of that city, she has been the object of public worship since 1320.

Date of issue 23 November 2020.
Face values € 2,40.
Size 40 x 52 mm.
Perforation 13 x 13.
Print run five thousand stamps.
Stamp sheet nine stamps.
Printed by offset. Cartor Security Printing, La Loupe, Francia.