Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

First day of issue postmark – Saints and Blessed of the Order of Malta. Santa Toscana

A special first day of issue postmark was available for Saints and Blessed of the Order of Malta – Santa Toscana, issued on 23 March 2023.

Designed by Giancarlo Federico, it depicts a detail of the triptych Santa Toscana between St. John the Baptist and St. Peter by Liberale da Verona dating from the first decade of the 16th century, placed in the right side chapel of the Church of Santa Toscana in Verona.
The postmark is completed by the inscriptions “SOVRANO MILITARE ORDINE DI MALTA”, “POSTE MAGISTRALI” and “GIORNO DI EMISSIONE”, the legend “SANTA TOSCANA” and the date “23.III.2023”.

Items for reposting, individually franked by the sender with stamps belonging to the relevant set, must reach Poste Magistrali by 23 May 2023. A suitable self-addressed envelope, bearing Order of Malta stamps corresponding to the ordinary (Posta4) or priority (Posta1) mail  rate in force in Italy, must be enclosed for the postmarked items to be returned under cover. For return by registered mail, please contact Poste Magistrali in advance.

Items to be returned uncovered must reach Poste Magistrali by 6 April 2023 and must be individually marked “Corrispondenza filatelica” (Philatelic correspondence) on the address side in indelible ink. In case of missing, it will be automatically applied by Poste Magistrali.