Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Masterpieces of Literature (2021)

On sale Yes
Face value Complete set 10,35 €
Stamp description

the philatelic issue presents scenes from the Odyssey. Attributed to Homer, the poem narrates the nostos of Odysseus, better known by the Latin name of Ulysses, the most famous character of the Greek epic. Complex figure of hero, symbol of the man who wants to overcome the limits of knowledge who, with courage and proverbial cunning, embarks on the perilous journey back to his land and, once arrived, reaffirms his power.

From Homer’s Odyssey, episodes taken from Stories of Ulysses in frescoes by Pellegrino Tibaldi (1527-1596), Palazzo Poggi (Bologna) and Alessandro Allori (1535-1607) and assistants, Palazzo Portinari Salviati.

Emperors Courtyard (Florence): Alessandro Allori and assistants: Flight from the Cave of Polyphemus
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Pellegrino Tibaldi: Ulysess and Circe, central part, , Ulysses with Companions
©2021. Photo Scala, Florence.

Alessandro Allori and assistants: Ulysses and the Sirens’ Song (det.)
©2021. A. Dai Orti/Scala, Florence.

Alessandro Allori and assistants: Ulysses Ship between Scylla and Charybdis (det.)
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Pellegrino Tibaldi: Ulysses’ Companions Take Advantage of His Sleep to Steal Helios’ Sacred Oxen (det. 1)
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Pellegrino Tibaldi: Ulysses Shipwreck (det.)
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Alessandro Allori and assistants: Athena Transforms Ulysses into a Beggar
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Alessandro Allori and assistants: Ulysses Winning the Archery Test
©2021. Dagli Orti/ Scala, Florence.

Alessandro Allori and assistants: Penelope Recognizes Ulysses
©2021. Dagli Orti/Scala, Florence.

Date of issue 6 December 2021.
Face values nine € 1.15 stamps in a block for a total of € 10.35.
Size 40 x 52 mm.
Perforation 13 x 13.
Print run three thousand complete sets.
Stamp sheet nine stamps constituting the series.
Printed by offset. Cartor Security Printing, La Loupe, Francia.